The good thing about this is that first method is called only when we really need to create a new view. You will have to override two main methods: one to inflate the view and its view holder, and another one to bind data to the view. It’s a similar approach to the ones you already used, but with some peculiarities, such as a required ViewHolder. RecyclerView includes a new kind of adapter. If you want to use a RecyclerView, you will need to feel comfortable with three elements: This is Android, so things are never easy. The RecyclerView has been developed with extensibility in mind, so it is possible to create any kind of layout you can think of, but not without a little pain-in-the-ass dose.

It is supossed to be the successor of ListView and GridView, and it can be found in the latest support-v7 version. The RecyclerView is a new ViewGroup that is prepared to render any adapter-based view in a similar way. I’ve been playing with RecyclerView these days, and will give you a little presentation of what I discovered so far. Google I/O this week brought a lot of exciting news about Android, and we probably need quite some time to get used to what Android L is bringing.